Procedurile din alte state europene cu privire la rutier si la asistenta juridica a politistilor

Hello dear friends from CESP!


We’d like to ask you some questions about the rules and the laws in your countries. 
We’ve just had a traffic situation here in Romania, when a drunk driver ran over a policeman as he tried to pull him over for a regular check.

So, we’d like to know:


  1. How many police officers are normally used for a traffic stop – for a mobile check point – for traffic surveillance and for document and vehicle checks, especially for night time?

Germania: The minimum is six to eight officers for a prearranged mobile check point, which can be taken from a national guideline regulating the police work. A mobile check point done in an emergency situation can be run by any number of police officers being there at the moment (at least two).

 Olanda: There is no leglislation about, most of the time when there is a organized traffic check, there is a responsible, one coordinator, some motorbikes and some police cars and other materials. The number of colleagues depends on which number is available. but think about at least 10 to 12 colleagues.

  1. If we are talking about a bigger team, what are their individual tasks?

Germania: According to the guideline two officers are needed for pre-screening and pull out the car (can also be done by only one officer) / another team is needed for the patrol-car waiting to chase a car not stopping / at least one officer whose only job is to secure / protect his controlling colleagues / at least two officers per vehicle which shall be controlled – this leads to the number of six to eight officers at a minimum. 

 Olanda: There is one responsible, 1 or 2 coordinators at the check point, 2 motorbikes, a few police cars and 10 to 20 colleagues.

  3.What will the police officer do if a driver refuses to stop?

Germania: He is advised to carefully watch the drivers behaviour so that he can jump aside immediately if a car tries to break through. Than the patrol-car, waiting for such events, is following immediately, informing the police-operation center which informs all concerned police-stations / patrol-cars around which take part in the search immediately and try to stop the fugitive.

 Olanda: One of the bikes and / or cars will go after and colleagues in the neighborhood will be informed to look after.

  1. In case the driver intentionally hits or injures the policeman, what are the Standard Operating Procedures?

Germania: Like number 3 / in case the driver is arrested he regularly will be accused of (attempted) murder.

 Olanda: Same as under bullit 3. last month a colleague has been convicted for 2 years prison because he shot a driver who tried to hit his colleagues.

  1. If the police officer is injured, who will support the costs of his/her health care?

Germania: Fully covered by the state. 

 Olanda: The police organization will pay all costs. 

  1. In your country, for a police officer in the above described situation, should the institution (Police or Ministry of Interior) support all the costs with trials in justice (e.g. lawyers, valuations etc.)?

Germania: The police officer is offered official defense and recovery by the police department.

Olanda: Yes the police support the colleagues in justice totally


Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards from Romania!


